NASA's Space Probe New Horizon Beams a Possible Polar Cap

By Staff Reporter - 30 Apr '15 18:15PM

The latest images from NASA's space probe New Horizon has beamed what appears to be sowing that the dwarf planet Pluto has on its pole, a glowing spot.

New Horizons still has to travel another 60 million miles before it reaches its destination on July 14, 2015, but it has already has been able to make out surprising light and dark patches on the surface of Pluto.

Pluto is currently more than 32 times farther away from Earth than the sun.

"We are starting to see intriguing features, such as a bright region near Pluto's visible pole," NASA science chief John Grunsfeld said in a statement, in reference to what scientists believe could be a polar ice cap.

In the images released by NASA on Wednesday, Pluto appears as a small, highly pixelated blob, but already scientists can see there is something very odd about its surface.

"It's rare to see any planet in the solar system, at this low resolution, displaying such strong surface markings. If you had similar images of Mercury, or images of even Mars, you would not see the same kinds of big surface units going by as you do here on Pluto. That's very promising," New Horizons lead scientist Alan Stern, with the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., told reporters during a conference call.

Below you'll see a sequence of images made into a short movie. In it, you'll see a mass turning in the darkness - this is Pluto.

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