Switzerland Dethrones Denmark as World's Happiest Country

By Kamal Nayan - 24 Apr '15 11:50AM

According to 2015 World Happiness Report, Switzerland is the world's happiest nation. The report, produced by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, considers several factors that affect the mental well-being of people around the globe.

The study used the Gallup World Poll data collected between 2012 and 2014, containing data on people from 150 nations. Researchers then complied a "subjective well-being" index and ranked countries on a scale 1 to 10.

Some factors include - income, charitable giving, life expectancy, availability of social support perceptions of both personal freedoms and corruption in business and government.

Switzerland was ranked highest in the happiness index, with a ranking of 7.587, followed by Iceland (7.561) and Denmark, which came in at 7.527.

The least happy country in the world was the nation of Togo, earning a rating of 2.839, behind Burundi (2.906) and Syria (3.006).

"The people who design our institutions and govern our lives need to pay attention. If there is a broad public understanding of the evidence and its implications, then the political process starts to take more notice," John Helliwell of the University of British Columbia said.

Complete list of 2015 World Happiness Report can be viewed online at worldhappines.report.

TAGSLife, World, Happiest, Country
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