Have More Sex for Fatter Paycheck

By Peter R - 23 Apr '15 20:51PM

The secret to a bigger wallet is could be the amount of time spent romping in bed, a new study claims.

The study found that people who had sex twice or three a week earned 4.5 percent higher than their peers who reported doing it less often. The findings were based on data collected from 7,500 Greeks. The study however could not explain a causal link between higher earnings and more frequent sex.

"Contemporary social analysis suggests that health, cognitive and non-cognitive skills and personality are important factors that affect wage level. Sexual activity may also be of interest to social scientists, since sexual activity is considered to be a barometer for health, quality of life, well-being and happiness," stud's author Nick Drydakis wrote in the International Journal of Manpower.

Researchers did not differentiate between heterosexual and homosexual activity but noted that for health-impaired employees, sex benefited.

Dr. Drydakis of Angela Ruskin University told The Telegraph that one of theories is the Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory.

"The theory concludes that people need to love and be loved, sexually and non-sexually, by others. In the absence of these elements, people may become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety and depression - all factors that can affect their working life," he said.

TAGSsex, paycheck, work, earnings, sexual activity, homosexual, hetrosexual, money
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