Which Country Sleeps the Most and Wakes Up Earliest? New App Reveals Worldwide Sleeping Habits

By Staff Reporter - 17 Apr '15 12:37PM

Data from a sleeping app which tracks the quality of your sleep, researchers have published what its data tells us about the sleeping habits of different nations.

According to a blog post from the Sleep Cycle app detailing statistics on "how the world sleeps," people in the U.S. wake up in the best mood on Saturday mornings. The majority of the world, however, gets up from the "right side of the bed" on Sunday mornings.

Switzerland gains the most extra sleep (41 extra minutes) on Saturdays. Finland is a close second, clocking 39 extra minutes of shuteye on Saturday nights," Sleep App stated.

On Friday nights into Saturday mornings, people in the U.S. averaged about 7-and-a-half hours of sleep, almost a full 30 minutes more when compared to other days of the week.

In terms of national average sleep quality, Slovakia topped the list. China was in second place followed by Hungary and the Czech Republic. 

According to the data, researchers have discovered that the earliest wake-up time worldwide is on a Monday in South Africa.

The Sleep Cycle app is an alarm clock that "tracks your sleep patterns and wakes you up during light sleep" when you are most likely to feel well rested.

The data also reveals, unsurprisingly, that 90 per cent of people sleep more and later on a Saturday than any other day while Wednesday night is usually the best quality sleep of the week.

Sunday is the night you get the least sleep, as the thought of Monday morning and a return to work looms around the world.

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