Apple Opens ResearchKit To Everyone

By Kamal Nayan - 14 Apr '15 13:32PM

Apple has opened up ResearchKit - a framework designed to help doctors and scientists with medical and health research - to everyone.

The first five ResearchKit apps that study asthma, breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease already enrolled over 60,000 iPhone users in the first few weeks, Cult of Mac reported.

However, now researchers from around the world will be able to leverage the same app that researchers at Stanford and Oxford University used to develop their medical apps.

 "We are delighted and encouraged by the response to ResearchKit from the medical and research community and the participants contributing to medical research. Studies that historically attracted a few hundred participants are now attracting participants in the tens of thousands," said Apple's senior vice president of Operations, Jeff Williams.

The ResearchKit framework equips pre-built modules to make it easy to create consent forms, customize questions and answers for surveys. Researchers can also easily gather data by having participants perform tasks that are analyzed by the iPhone's advanced sensors.

The ResearchKit apps are capable of collecting data from accelerometer, gyroscope, microphone, and GPS.

ResearchKit For Developers

TAGSapple, ResearchKit, Open source, Medical, health
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