WHO Warns Against Unwarranted C-Sections As More Women Opt for Painless Childbirth

By Peter R - 11 Apr '15 13:05PM

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned about increasing number of women opting for caesarean sections (c-section), stating it puts health of women and children at risk.

WHO said that the operation is increasingly being performed without medical need or without consideration of risk of death, disability and infection the surgery involves. New studies have shown that increasing caesarean rate in a population does not necessary bring down maternal and newborn mortality rates.

"These conclusions highlight the value of caesarean section in saving lives of mothers and newborns. They also illustrate how important it is to ensure a caesarean section is provided to the women in need - and to not just focus on achieving any specific rate," said Dr. Marleen Temmerman, Director of WHO's Department of Reproductive Health and Research in a statement.

WHO has also proposed the Robson Classification to monitor and compare caesarean rates to better analyze the phenomenon across populations. The system classifies deliveries based on various factors including number of babies, labor conditions, gestational age and previous pregnancies.

"Information gathered in a standardized, uniform and reproducible way is critical for health care facilities as they seek to optimize the use of caesarean section and assess and improve the quality of care. We urge the healthcare community and decision-makers to reflect on these conclusions and put them into practice at the earliest opportunity," Dr. Temmerman said.

TAGScaesarean, C-section, childbirth, women, babies, WHO, Pregnancy
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