Comatose Woman Wakes Up After Delivering a Baby During Four-Month Coma

By Peter R - 10 Apr '15 15:51PM

A 20-year old woman, who woke up after being in coma four months earlier this week, delivered a baby when she was unconscious earlier this year.

Sharista Giles of Tennessee delivered premature baby when she was five months pregnant following a car accident in December. The driver of the car Giles was travelling in reportedly fell asleep and hit a barrier causing grievous brain injuries that put her in a coma. The baby boy was born weighing less than two pounds but now weighs six pounds, USA Today reports.

When Giles woke up this Wednesday, her family showed her the photo of her son and noticed that Giles was searching for the photo with her eyes after it was moved away from her sight. Though the family is unaware of her prognosis, they believe her waking up is a miracle and augers well for her health.

The family has not named the baby, but is simply calling him Baby L.

"Sharista has her eyes open n blinking n squeezing our fingers when we ask her to. Praise the Lord! She was following her daddy's voice n we showed her a picture of Baby L n she seen him!!! She has had her eyes opened all morning n still has them open! Come on with the Prayers! God is Great! She is not communicating yet but this is a great start!," the family posted on a Facebook page the family set up to draw support.

TAGScoma, pregnant, woman, Tennessee, Sharista Giles
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