Climate Change Forcing Polar Bears to Feed on Land: Study

By Peter R - 02 Apr '15 17:28PM

Cautioning about rapidly thinning of Arctic ice cover, a new study led by the US Geological Survey has found that polar bears are being forced to eat terrestrial diet due to shortage of marine diet they thrive on.

Al Jazeera reports that the behavior is not widespread and does not indicate a survival strategy for the species. These observations only raise more concern as terrestrial diet is low on fat and high protein, a stark contrast to the high-lipid ice seals polar bears are accustomed to. Seals, like polar bears, are victims of climate change.

"Although some polar bears may eat terrestrial foods, there is no evidence the behavior is widespread. In the regions where terrestrial feeding by polar bears has been documented, polar bear body condition and survival rates have declined," said Karyn Rode, the study's lead author.

Researchers said the number of polar bears eating terrestrial food like berries, eggs and even birds, number fewer than 30 in every population of the size 900 to 2,000. Such eating habits also put the polar bear on grizzly bear territory, creating competition between the two species for survival. Pointing to the grizzly bear's relatively small size, researchers argued that terrestrial food is low quality compared to marine food the polar bear consumes.

"The evidence thus far suggests that increased consumption of terrestrial foods by polar bears is unlikely to offset declines in body condition and survival resulting from sea ice loss," Rode added.

TAGSland, climate change, arctic, ice, seals, global warming, polar bear
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