You Can Play Pac-Man Inside Google Maps (At least for now)

By Kamal Nayan - 31 Mar '15 15:23PM

You can play the classic arcade game Pac-Man in Google Maps.

"Avoid Blinky, Pinky, Inky, (and Clyde!) and you swerve the streets of some famous places around the world," the Google Maps Help site said. "But eat the pac-dots fast, because the game will only be around for a little while."

The game is also restricted to only select locations which users will have to decipher from a list of events.

"Triumph is délicieux," Google offered, alongside clues like, "Chomp your way to independence down seven lanes of July" or "Head to the valley of the sun and earn your grade in the art of the game."

You can also try your luck by opening Google Maps on your computer and start searching for locations where you think the game might be.

Similarly, mobile users can open the Google Maps app, find a location and touch the Pac-Man button to get started.

TAGSGoogle Maps, Pac-Man, Easter Egg, game
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