Here's How You Can Play Super Mario 64 In Your Browser

By Kamal Nayan - 30 Mar '15 01:00AM

For Nintendo 64 owners, Super Mario 64 has to be the favorite game. Now that classic 3D title can be played in the browser through either the keyboard or a gamepad controller.

The game available for browsers focuses on just one level of the game. Developed by Erik Roystan Ross, the game is kind of a proof of concept for "Super Character Controller," a Unity project he's been working on. It's also available for other game developers to try and offers shortcut to things like collision detection.

For those of us more interested in playing than coding games, however, it's the Super Mario 64 HD port that's more appealing. Versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux are available to download, and it can be played with the Xbox One or Xbox 360 gamepads, or a Sony DualShock 3 or DualShock 4, Slashgear noted.

Nintendo also offers a full version of Super Mario 64, but only for its Wii through the Virtual Console system. The game has all the levels but unfortunately cannot run in the browser.

Developer of the browser version of Mario 64 said he has no plans to add levels or do anything but as the source-code is already available, developers should be able to add new features.

TAGSSuper Mario 64, browser, Nintendo, Classic
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