Zayn Malik's Fans Devastated After His Decision To Quit One Direction; Seek Compassionate Leave and Post Self-Harming Tweets

By Maria Slither - 27 Mar '15 10:27AM

Zayn Malik's fans continued to express their sadness and mourning after the One Direction member officially announced this week that he will be leaving the band for good.

In a report from Manchester Evening News, the Manchester-based Peninsula is said to receive 220 calls from Wednesday at 6pm until 9:30 am on Thursday the next day to its Employer Advice Service with employees asking for a compassionate leave due to extreme sadness for Malik's leaving.

Alan Price, employment law director said that the calls are real and the fans sympathy real, 'it was a situation you just couldn't make up.'

However, Price said that sadness for Malik's leaving is not a valid reason for a compassionate leave.

"While I sympathise with One Direction fans, I hardly think this qualified as compassionate leave. It's a story you could not make up but I don't think that Zayn Malik's departure qualifies for compassionate leave and this is the advice we have had to give to employers."

Fans of the One Direction member also expressed their outrage on Twitter as some fans post disturbing self-harm hashtag with pictures of their slashed arms, Mail Online reports.

The movement, said to be convincing others to do the same, is a way to ask Malik not to leave the group.

The news said to generate 4,600 Tweets per minute have now alerted youth-centered social organizations.

'We are horrified at the overnight trending of self-harm tweets after Zayn Malik quit One Direction with teenagers posting pictures of their self-inflicted injuries and encouraging others to follow suit...Children need a safe place to be able to discuss anything which distresses them and have guidance on how to deal with difficult feelings in a supportive environment," a spokesman for children's charity Barnardo's said.

Young Minds website also advised the youth to stay calm and had shared some piece of advice for Mailk's fans.

"Zayn is an important role model to other young people, as he is prioritising his wellbeing over fame and taking time out to look after himself. Young people who feel affected by this news should reach out to other young people and to trusted adults and talk to them about how they feel. It's a loss so like any loss it is about taking care of yourself and being with people who care for you and can support you."

Zayn Malik announced his decision to leave the band earlier this week.

As mentioned by Mirror, Zayn said in a newspaper interviews that he just wanted to live a normal life.

TAGSZayn Malik, One Direction, quit, band, Twitter, social media, United Kingdom, Leaving
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