Game of Thrones Creates No-Fly Zone Over Belfast Set to Prevent Spoilers

By Dustin M Braden - 24 Mar '15 16:55PM

The hit television show Game of Thrones is so popular that Ireland has instituted a no-fly zone above the locations it films in an effort to avoid spoilers.

Belfast Live reports that the no-fly zone was created to prevent recreational drone pilots from flying over the set. Producers of the show and executives at the shows' home of HBO feared that drones could infiltrate filming zones and catch crucial story details, allowing for spoilers.

The show had a security company install signs around the locations where filming is taking place.The signs warn passers by their drones are not welcome. The company who put them up also told Belfast Live that safety was an issue, as poorly piloted drones have been known to hit people on the ground below.

While no-fly zones are typically used to describe military operations, drone aviators wouldn't have to worry about encountering an F-16 if they violated the show's airspace, but they could be subject to fines from Ireland's aviation authorities.

The sign says that drone operators must have permission to fly over the set from Ireland's Civil Aviation Authority. Given how high the stakes are regarding spoilers and the show's legions of rabid fans, it is unclear how effective such a request would be.

TAGSIreland, Belfast, No-fly zone, Game of Thrones, drones
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