Tender Moment Captured as Police Offer Helps Inspiring Woman Cross the 10k Finish Line [PHOTO]

By Staff Reporter - 23 Mar '15 00:49AM

A touching moment occurred as a woman in Kentucky was helped by a kind officer as she struggled to make it past the finish line in a 10k race on Sunday. The photo has now gone viral with many appreciating this tender moment.

In the photo, a woman by the name of Asia Ford can be seen crossing the finish line hand-in-hand with a police officer and her son. "When you see the photo, just know that you're worth it. And you can do anything that you put your mind to," runner Ford told WAVE.

Ford said that around two years ago, she decided to remain strong and healthy for her children and has lost 217 pounds since then.

"I just knew that all of those times that we went to the doctor's office and the doctor told us what could have happened, I wasn't going to let that happen to me," said Ford.

According to Ford, Lt. Aubrey Gregory of Louisville Metro Police asked her: "You're going to finish the race, aren't you?"

"Yes," she replied.

"And I said I'm not going to let her stop. We're going to do this together," said Gregory, who then got out of his vehicle. "She grabbed my hand. I grabbed her hand."

Ford has had a long battle with her weight. "It's been a struggle because nothing is easy in life," Ford said, "It's been a lot of teary-eyed moments, but I know I want it for myself."

According to an interview with NBC Atlanta, she said her heaviest weigh-in was at 474 pounds. She knew something had to change. It finally did, when her husband at the time, lost a limb as a result of diabetes. From that moment on, every time she went to the doctor, her children worried.

"That is when I woke up and I couldn't allow them to be on this earth without my help and the only way I would be able to help them is if I helped myself first," she said.

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