Finding Carter Season Finale Recap: Did David and Lori plan Carter's first kidnapping?; 5 burning questions from 'One Hour Photo'

By Robert Christie - 17 Sep '14 15:58PM

The "Finding Carter" Season 1 finale featured a break-up, another kidnapping and a surprise visit. If you have not watched the finale please do so before you continue reading, there are spoilers ahead and the episode was a good one. Here are my five burning questions from "One Hour Photo".

No. 1 - Although the ending was probably appropriate, did you like it?

The ending makes complete sense. The series began because Lori kidnapped Carter at a young age so it's only right the first season ended with Lori kidnapping Carter once again. However, wasn't apart of you hoping we would see Lori and Elizabeth faceoff? I didn't want Lori to get caught but I definitely wanted to see that conversation take place.

No. 2 - Will Elizabeth and her family think Carter was in on this plan?

This is one of the first questions that came to my head when Lori sped off with the very reluctant Carter. The waiters words to Elizabeth were, "She left with her mother." He didn't say her mother dragged her out or that Carter looked like she got drugged. Therefore, won't there be a part of Elizabeth who thinks, "Did Carter want to leave with Lori?

No. 3 - Does anyone else think David and Lori planned Carter's kidnapping?

Ladies and gentlemen, that is my theory as to what the elusive secret is. Judging from the photo Carter showed David, Carter's father and Lori knew each other and probably dated. Also, David was planning to make money on Carter's return with his second book. Would it be so crazy to think they planned everything just so David could write his first book? (Which by the way was very successful.)

No. 4 - Did Max make the right decision?

Max was not himself this week. He was grumpy and angry and hurt. It kinda stunk to see the guy who's usually carefree, kind and delivering words of wisdom - in such a bad place. Did you like the change of pace from the regular Max? Were you sad he broke up with Taylor or did he make the right decision?

No. 5 - How long will Carter spend with Lori?

Will Season 2 of "Finding Carter" be an MTV version of "The Following"? Hopefully the Elizabeth doesn't have to spend all seasons looking for Lori and Carter is able to return to her family within a few episodes.

Got any theories of your own? Share them in the comment section below.

TAGSFinding Carter season finale recap, Finding Carter, Carter Stevens, MTV
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