Mom Faces Jail Time After Obstructing Son's Circumcision

By Staff Reporter - 09 Mar '15 04:11AM

A mother who has taken flight with her son to prevent his circumcision could face a prison sentence if she fails have the boy undergo the procedure, a judge ruled, in a case that has become a rallying cry for 'intactivists.'

Circuit Judge Jeffrey Gillen found mother andanti-circumcision activist Heather Hironimus in contempt of court, for prolonging a legal dispute, running away with her son and putting the child in the media spotlight, and "making him an object of curiosity and worse."

However, at a presentation in court, they found that Hironimus has been frightening the boy with the thought that his penis will be "cut off" despite previous court advises not to inform the child the that she was against the methodology.

"Our investigation was prompted by the combination of recent animal findings linking a single painful injury to lifelong deficits in stress response and a study showing a strong, positive correlation between the  country's neonatal male circumcision rate and its prevalence of ASD in boys," Professor Morten Frisch of the Staten Serum Institut, Copenhagen, who also headed the study.

"This child has been placed in a light that provides much too much scrutiny for a little boy," Gillen said.

"I blame no one but the mother for that."

The case itself has been going on almost for as long as the boy himself has been alive, with Heather Hironimus and her son having become focal points of interest for pressure groups calling for the prevention of what they consider to be a 'barbaric' procedure.

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