Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, March 8: How to Get Your Body Ready

By Staff Reporter - 06 Mar '15 23:11PM

It's time to spring forward again! Daylight saving time 2015 will begin on Sunday, March 8 at 2:00 a.m.

Daylight saving time strikes again Sunday at 2 a.m., at least for every state outside Hawaii and Arizona.

In doing so, we move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening and sunrise and sunset will occur one hour later. It can take days - and for some it can take up to two weeks or more - to adjust to this time change.

It can be hard at times for people to adjust to the change in time.

"It's an interesting paradox, because traveling one time zone east or west is very easy for anyone to adapt to," said Dr. Alfred Lewy, director of Oregon Health and Science University's Sleep and Mood Disorders Laboratory in Portland, Oregon, according to ABC News. "But in daylight saving time, the new light-dark cycle is perversely working against the body clock. We're getting less sunlight in morning and more in the evening."

"It needs a signal every day to reset it," said Lewy.

Doctors suggest soaking up the early morning light to get your body used to the new time and avoid lingering in bed for too long. Also, avoid evening light and caffeine. If you need some extra help, take a low-dose (less than 0.3 milligrams) of melatonin late in the afternoon Friday through Monday can help sync the sleep-wake and light-dark cycles.

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