China creates cell phone lane for 'zombie pedestrians' who want to text and walk

By Staff Reporter - 15 Sep '14 11:28AM

It's not uncommon to see a person walking down the street while they are completely distracted by their phone, causing them to accidentally bump into someone or something. Now, there is a solution for that in China - the city of Chongqing is making history by creating the first ever phone lane.

Considering that China's population is 1.3 billion, the country does need to take extra precautions. The 100-foot stretch of sidewalk is embellished with large signage, in Chinese and English, warning pedestrians or "zombie pedestrians" to walk in the proper lane.

"Cell phones, walk in this lane at your own risk," says one, right next to the other lane, which reads, "no cell phones."

In addition to the painted warnings on the street itself, the city has also posted large signs in the area that read, "First mobile phone sidewalks in China," with a diagram illustrating how to use the street. According to a report in the Telegraph, local officials created the lane to remind pedestrians that "it is best not to play with your phone while walking."

However, this is not the first time that a cellphone lane has been set up. Back in 2012,Philadelphia Mayor's Office set up a similar scheme as part of an April Fool's Day prank.

In a press release sent out from the Mayor's office,a pilot program for an 'E-Lane' was described for pedestrians who prefer to stroll while on their phones.

Mayor Nutter said: "Stand on any sidewalk in Philadelphia you will see fellow citizens with busy lives who can't take the time to look up from their iPhones, BlackBerries and other electronic devices.

"The E-Lane is a safe and convenient option for those distracted walkers and should make sidewalks safer for the rest of us.

"More Philadelphians than ever before rely on mobile technology to do business and stay in touch with family and friends. We need to accommodate them."

The dangers of texting while driving are public knowledge, however there is also a real danger associated with walking a texting. Check out the video below:

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