Presidential Transition

Presidential Transition: Who Will Take The First Lady Position? Will It Be Ivanka Trump Or Melania Trump? Who Decides?

By Archer Ferguson - Dec 22, 2016 08:34 PM EST

Ivanka Trump is a success in her own right being a model, an empress of wide-ranging businesses in fashion and media. Now, she is a Presidential daughter facing grace under pressure.

‘No New Deals’: Donald Trump Promised When Inaugurated US President; Will He Really Let Go Of His Vast Business Empire?

By Archer Ferguson - Dec 13, 2016 05:55 AM EST

The US President is chosen by the people to lead the country for a brighter future. Donald Trump intends to do that with his “no new deals” for his businesses during his terms.

Donald Trump Presidential Transition: A Total Change Of US Foreign Policy. Where Will Trump Bring America?

By Archer Ferguson - Dec 10, 2016 04:10 AM EST

Donald Trump intends becoming the President that will never intervene as his approach to conflicts and problems of other countries. This is a total change of US Foreign Policy that divided the world's reaction.

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