man's finger length

Body Part Predicts Men's Ability to Love- and It's NOT What You Think It Is

By Maria Slither - Feb 26, 2015 12:04 PM EST

Is it length or girth that makes intimacy enjoyable? According to science, it's length- a man's finger length that is. Researchers found that a man's hand reveals numerous things (or traits) about him. So... next time you need to choose between Mr. Right and Mr. Wrong- choose the man with the right fingers. It's science- so you best believe it!

A Man’s Finger Length Reveals Personality As A Lover

By Maria Slither - Feb 20, 2015 10:04 AM EST

A study published in the 'Personality and Individual Differences' said that a man's finger length tells something about his personality and how he treats women.

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