Italian Fisherman Catches ‘The Monster of The Po’ 280-Pound Catfish

By Maria Slither - 26 Feb '15 12:04PM

Italian fishermen Dino Ferrari and his brother Dario Ferrari stunned the world as they catch a gigantic, monstrous-looking wels catfish that weighs 280 pounds. The Ferrari brothers had their latest catch on February 19 in Italy's Po Delta.

Now dubbed as 'the monster of the Po', the catfish weighs 280 pounds and stands 8.75 feet long. Despite its being gigantic, Yahoo News Canada said that Ferrari's wels catfish cannot beat yet the world record of the largest catfish which weighs 308 pounds.

However, media sources said that it can still be considered the biggest catch in terms of being caught using rod and reel.

HNGN, on the other hand, proclaimed that the largest catfish so far weighs 317 pounds and is slightly more than 9 feet long.

Brazil also boosts of a nearly 342-pound lau-lau (or piraiba) type of catfish that was caught in 2009 in Brazil's Amazon region as recorded in the International Game Fish Association, Review Journal said.

In an interview with The Telegraph via Yahoo News Canada, Dino Ferrari revealed more information about his catch.

"It's a silurus glanis [the Latin name for the species]. The American catfish doesn't grow to such large dimensions - at most it can weigh 50kg. They don't range over very large distances, they tend to live in the same stretch of river, moving just a few kilometers either way. They eat all types of fish," he said.

He also shared how he managed to found the fish and snared it.

"To catch them you need a lot of patience but also physical strength. We fought for 40 minutes to reel it in. We tired it out and then lifted it out of the water," he narrated.

Last year, Dino also impressed the world with his 258-pound catfish said to be from the same spot where his latest catch lives.

The catfishes were said to be released back to the Po Delta.

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