Healthier Weight Loss If On a Paleo Diet

By Gurmeet Kaur - 10 Feb '15 08:06AM

The results of an experiment performed on different diets show that those who were on a Paleo diet showed the best loss in weight over 21 days, the MedIndia reports. The dieticians believe that people often go on crash diets to lose weight faster. However, it only leads to more risks and complications, and most of the time, all those pounds come back. When on a crash diet, our body loses water weight and muscle mass but doesn't focus on the body fat. The vegetarian Paleo diet helps in achieving the goals as it works on the fat deposits in the body and reduces health risks.

Recent studies have found that eating like a caveman can help in shedding off those excess pounds. DNAIndia reports on how eating like cavemen can help in losing weight while reducing those risks. Along with following the diet plan, one must also increase their physical activity such as running, walking, etc.

Health USNews claims that one can lead a healthier and disease-free life when following a paleo diet. The theory is that highly processed and carb rich diet is the biggest cause of ill health. The Paleolithic period belongs to more than 10,000 years ago, and Paleo advocates say that one should eat like we did when we were hinderers and gatherers. Paleo diets encourage meat, fish, fruits, and veggies. It says goodbye to grains and dairy. So, eat like the cavemen did and include lots of leafy greens and fruits on your plate. As you cannot hunt or gather like the caveman ancestors, you should include any physical activity along with the diet so as to maintain a healthy weight and keep away those health risks. This is the right way to shed weight and keep those pounds away

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