10 Qualities to Look for When Hiring an Executive

By Staff Reporter - 14 Mar '20 15:43PM
  • 10 Qualities to Look for When Hiring an Executive
  • (Photo : Unsplash)

The role of an executive is an important one in any organization. Functioning as leaders, they are responsible for a business' culture, performance, and the public's perception of its brand. That's why it's essential that the right person gets hired for the job - but finding this perfect candidate isn't always an easy task.

Here are the top qualities of a leader that a top executive search firm would look for if you hired them to headhunt for you.  

1. Has a Vision

A great leader is one that has a goal they want to achieve, and a passion for it. They also communicate this vision to the rest of the organization and are clear about what each person's role in it is.

2. Is Transparent

Transparency in a leader is essential, especially if they want the people below them to trust and follow them. They will be clear about their intentions and where the company is heading, and won't hide information from their employees or the public.

3. Great at Communicating

A leader needs to be able to effectively communicate strategies, goals, and objectives that are meant to get employees motivated and engaged. They also need to be able to listen to feedback, empathize with concerns, and be involved.

4. Self-Motivated

Your leadership team is responsible for providing motivation, so it's important that they are self-motivated and driven to succeed. They're the backbone of what keeps everything moving forward. 

5. Self-Aware

Leaders often have an issue of letting their position get to their head. Without self-awareness, they won't be able to check their own ego and accept that there might be better ideas out there than the ones they can provide.

6. Able to Adapt

The world of business is always changing: every year, there are new innovations, markets, risks, threats, and competitors. The best executives need to understand and often anticipate the changing landscape of your industry, and adapt to them.

7. Possess Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

While new technical skills can always be taught, emotional intelligence isn't just something that can be easily developed. EQ is all about having compassion, being able to empathize and read people, and also about making an effort to care for others and support them.

Leaders need these soft skills in order to relate to and connect with their team, as well as with the customers that they serve.

8. Foster Talent

The most successful companies are the ones that are inclusive and collaborative: they nurture their existing talent and help it grow. Your executive leaders should encourage this attitude and put efforts in place to help their employees see their own potential and grow.

9. Good Problem-Solver

Even through difficult times, a leader needs to be able to overcome challenges effectively without getting discouraged or frustrated. They also need to be willing to get creative with the way they tackle issues.

10. Accountable

Your executive team represents the face of the company, and thus they need to be willing to take on the blame when required. This shows humbleness and also responsibility, and sets a good example for the team.

Keep an eye out for these traits and you will find yourself a great leader for an executive role.

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