'Overwatch' News & Update: Orisa Added To The Roster; New Character Is A Robot

By Carrie Winters - 03 Mar '17 05:22AM

Blizzard has just added a new character to the game "Overwatch." Orisa can now be played in the game and gamers will have a chance to experience the character. Orisa is the 24th character of Overwatch and it is a robot. Orisa's weapons have more range than any other hero in the game. She is the latest one and is already available for players to experience what she's got.

According to a report, Orisa is a character in "Overwatch" and is the latest addition. The character is Tank-class and its game play evolves around protection. Orisa's weapon is automated cannon that deals with constant damage but slows down its speed. The weapon is called the Fusion Driver.

Orisa has an alternate fire which is Halt and it can launch a charge to bring enemies closer to the explosion. She can also be immune to any action-impairing effects by the fortify ability that she has. She also has a Protective Barrier that blocks enemy attacks in Overwatch.

Additionally the Ultimate for Orisa is the Supercharger. It launches a device that will disable the damages by the team in line of site. This device can also be destroyed by Orisa's enemies in Overwatch. The character for the game can already be played through PC.

This new character robot for "Overwatch" has been created by Efi Oladele. Efi is 11 years old and is a genius who made the character from discarded robot parts in Numbani. Orisa is the central anchor of the team and has a protective barrier that will enable her to win over the enemies.

Meanwhile, Orisa will join the list of tank heroes for "Overwatch" such as, Zarya, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Winston and D.Va. Efi has created the robot designed after the OR-15. The character can already be part of the game in order for players to win over enemies in the mission.

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