Nintendo Switch Updates: Online Pay System Still Worries Gamers

By Maria Follet - 01 Feb '17 05:30AM

Nintendo has undeniably hooked a large group of gamers when it introduced Switch - said to be a hybrid for its playability indoors and outdoors.

But there are questions that gamers are raising as this product was finally introduced. First, if the gadget's online system will really operate well. And, second, if there will be chances that backward compatibility will be possible to the new Switch. Apparently, a lot of the avid gamers are worried that their favorite classic games will not be compatible with the new Nintendo Switch. 

As for the first question, many gamers have been worrying because of the online paid system of Switch. By far, there are speculations saying that the amount will be on the range between $50 to $60. If that is the case, then players will might prefer the subscriptions of Xbox Live and the PS Plus.

When it comes to the second question, gamers don't only enjoy the latest games. Many are still in love with the classics. And, the Virtual Console of Nintendo's new gadget still worries gamers as the company has only assured is that it has "nothing to announce at this time."

Meanwhile, Nintendo is now boosting up its promotion to Switch through various advertisements. And, there is one catchy ad that is now tickling and teasing gamers and even the non-gamers to switch on the Switch.

At an article of Business Insider UK, it was told that a particular teaser of Switch has been broadcasting until this moment of writing, particularly in Germany. In the ad, one can see a man inside the comfort room releasing all of the "discomfort" while playing the newest gadget of Nintendo.

The game console will be released this March 9 for a price of $299. It will be a bit expensive. However, nothing prevents a determined gamer in purchasing such latest gadget.

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