'Big Bang Theory' News & Updates: Baby Halley Is Born; What To Expect In The January Episode & The Behind-The-Scenes Video Here

By Leby Nightray - 17 Dec '16 05:40AM

The "Big Bang Theory" have an exciting episode that left viewers to want more, especially to see more of the new addition to the gang. The comedy will still continue, sure enough, but next year things might go differently or luckily it will stay the same.

The Thursday episode of "Big Bang Theory featured, after the long countdown, the arrival of Bernadette and Howard's Baby. This is the first kid in their gang and it came from the adorable couple. The baby is a girl and was named Halley. Halley's name gets even more reasonable with Howard Wolowitz been on space and Raj as an astrophysicist.

Of course, Raj gets to  Halley's godfather even if Raj wasn't in the good books of the couple because he slipped when he accidentally said "she" - letting the parents know the gender of the child when they didn't want to. 

The "Big Bang Theory" new addition was named Halley because Molaro thinks the connection of 'Halley' in the space comet named Halley's Comet us good. Plus the gang except Penny is into science and Howard Wolowitz and Raj is totally into space arena. Also, Molaro said that calling Halley as 'Hal' fo a nickname sounds so adorable.

The "Big Bang Theory" episode that will air on January will feature, according to producer Steve Molaro, the whole gang plus Stuart. The winter premiere gave something away once the series comes back. The first weeks as parents for Halley of Howard and Bernadette will happen and the adjustment related to it will surely be featured.

Although a lot of new things happened in "Big Bang Theory", the upcoming episode will not always rotate around the baby, Wolowitz, of course, needs to go back to work and then meet the gang again. Also, next year might feature a bigger step for the couples Penny and Leonard, and Amy and Sheldon.

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