In Demand Technology This December: Mini Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) To Release A Retro Engine Sigma Game Soon!

By Jean Paula - 13 Dec '16 06:11AM

Nostalgia in gaming can drive the market of gamers wild, as proven by the positive feedback on Nintendo's decision to bring back and re-create a 2016 version of the classic Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES, in mini form. The 2016 mini NES is dominating the market as one of the most sought for console for Christmas, drying out the stocks available to quench the Christmas rush. 

The Mini NES, fortunately, is set to be more available as stocks are released in almost every major store and will hit the shelves before Christmas. The Mini NES will be making an appearance in outlets such as in Target, Toys R Us, Gamestop, Walmart among others. The appearance of the console will definitely be a short-lived in these stores before they are sold out again. According to a report in News Everyday, stores like Best Buy reminds consumers that while they may be restocking on the hit 80's console, the stocks are still limited. 

A video game console separate from all the big name companies like Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony is riding the hype for the comeback of classic video games. News from Neowin reminds us of the existence of the upcoming RetroEngine Sigma video game console developed by Doyodo.   

The RetroEngine Sigma is a campaign on Indiegogo which is basically an all-in-one video game console that lets players plug-and-play and access most of the classic games of the 70's, 80's and older. The catch is that the RetroEngine Sigma covers classic games from different companies like classic Sega games and classic Nintendo games.

The legal aspect as to how the console will be able to bridge games from different gaming companies into one console is still not clear, but promises of a retro gaming future is at hand.  

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