Pokemon Go Glitch: Huge Pokemon Dominating The World

By Danica Arkwright - 12 Dec '16 10:55AM

Pokemon Go has recently unveiled its plans to incorporate new Pokemon in their upcoming updates. However, fans managed to find a glitch in the game where Pokemon will be as big as the map!

Players of the popular augmented reality mobile game, Pokemon Go, shared all over the internet an interesting glitch from the game. This glitch will make Pokemon grow big, almost occupying the entire mobile screen. This glitch seems to apply only to Buddy Pokemon, not the wild ones.

These "glitched Pokemon" can grow as big as the entire map of the game, blocking whatever it is behind them, making the players unable to see what is happening. According to Nicolo from Twitter, in order to trigger this glitch, players must tap the player icon, found on the bottom left corner of the screen. After doing this, the buddy Pokemon will turn into a colossal Pokemon for a split-second. Claims have been made that the glitch happens fast while some players managed to snap a photo of the said glitch before it goes away.

The scale of the Pokemon depends on what kind of Pokemon players have as their buddy. Some can be as big as the player's sprite while some can be seen towering over the entire overworld. This glitch is similar with how the trainer sprite sometimes scales up earlier this year. Players who experienced the glitch tend to be more amused than annoyed that they even want this glitch to happen to them! A favorite of players is the colossal Snorlax, which take up the entire screen. Snorlax is actually blocking the way in real life!

Earlier this month, Niantic Labs announced more updates on Dec.12 for Pokemon Go. According to them, they'll be adding one hundred new Pokemon to the game's roster. There is a chance that it'll be the Generation 2 Pokemon, seeing that their sound files have been incorporated in the latest patch of the game and rumors the circulate the web. For more information, check it out on this website.

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