'Hearthstone' Top Tier Changed Due To Different Card Recipes!

By Jean Paula - 08 Dec '16 06:59AM

The release of the latest expansion on the popular digital card game Hearthstone called Mean Streets of Gadgetzan opens 132 new possibilities with the introduction of brand new cards to play with. The expansion also introduces fresh mechanics that revolved around the lore of Gadgetzan which involves three new "families" namely the Grimy Goons, Jade Lotus and the Kabal. 

Separation of classes introduced new the tri-class cards mechanic. The Grimy Goons shared the Paladin, Hunter and Warrior classes, the Jade Lotus with the Shaman, Rogue and Druid classes and the Kabal covering Mage, Priest, and Warlock. Everything new in the expansion is interesting but like all expansions, there are some that are meta-breaking, but some others simply bad.

While all cards are playable in casual play as mentioned by iTech Post, some cards simply don't fill the cut for constructive and competitive play. One of the best cards in this expansion definitely constitutes the three heads of the families. Don Han'cho for the Grimy Goons buffs a minion in the player's hand by +5/+5 as its battlecry. Combined with taunt minions from the Warrior class and divine shield minions from Paladin, the possibilities are buffed.    

Kazakus, the leader of the Kabal family, rules the world of new possibilities. Kazakus is a light 4-cost legendary which lets players create their own mixture of spells with over 100 different possible combinations. The only catch is that the player must not have duplicates in the deck, similar mechanics to Reno Jackson from the League of Adventures expansion. 

Aya Blackpaw, the leader of the Jade Lotus family, is both a deathrattle and battlecry legendary which takes advantage of the new game mechanic; the Jade Golem. When played and when the minion dies, Aya Blackpaw summons a Jade Golem which is a minion that stacks and increases its stats by +1/+1 per every prior Jade Golem summon. Druid, Shaman and Rogue all have supporting cards which allow them to summon Jade Golems respectively to stack those golems. The Jade Idol, a 1-cost spell from Druid, is also one of the best cards that allow the player to either summon a jade golem or shuffle three copies of Jade Idol back into the deck, allowing for crazy Jade Golem rotation. 

There are also a lot of not so appealing new cards such as neutrals like Worgen Greaser, and Grook-fu Master, which although winks at pop culture tropes and mythical stories, failed to be playable in constructive. Even class exclusives got their share of bad cards. The Gadgetzan Ferryman on Rogue, a 2-mana cost card, has a combo effect similar to a better neutral classic card. It appears to be difficult to justify scenarios where an inclusion of this card is vital for constructed play.  

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