Prime Minister Of Canada Trudeau Joins Hour of Code, Creates Game

By Jas Nieva - 08 Dec '16 00:50AM

Ever since he was elected as the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau has been popping in and out of the news. Quite a few people continue to be charmed by this dashing leader and there are even memes made about him. PM Trudeau is not all good looks but brains as well as he recently participated in the Canadian launch of "Hour of Code" and even came out with a game.

Held typically during December 9-15, dubbed as the Computer Science Education Week, the Hour of Code hopes to entice students to go into computer science by having them undergo short programming lessons. At present, it is estimated that at least 100 million students coming from around 180 countries have participated in this event. According to PM Trudeau, he is supporting the event as he expects Canada to be in the lead when it comes to digital technology.

For those who participated in Canada's event, they likely know that PM Trudeau did more than just support it. In this year's Hour of Code, he created an ice hockey bounce game through the use of Code Studio. While the game is indeed simple, it proves that anyone can learn and make games.

The Hour of Code is not the first time he has supported a venture into the sciences. In April of this year, PM Trudeau allotted a $50 million budget to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Commeting on this, he said that this investment will hopefully help put forward Canada as one of the leaders in the world scientific community.

Without a doubt, this is not the last we have seen of PM Trudeau supporting a scientific cause. The Hour of Code event is still ongoing and open to people of all ages. If ever you had wanted to know what it was like to make a game, then this is that chance.

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