BMW Locks Thief Remotely Inside 550i

By Jazzy - 07 Dec '16 03:30AM

In what appeared to be scene lifted from a Mr. Bean episode, a car thief was locked inside the BMW 550i he had earlier stolen. However, it was not an example of a bumbling thief but more of BMW technology doing its job.

According to a blog by the SPD Blotter, the BMW 550i was apparently left in a parking garage and unlocked. With the key fob left inside, it was easy for the thief to get inside and drive away. After discovering the theft, the owner reported it to the authorities. Once the police received the report, they immediately communicated with BMW to help track the car.

Employees at BMW used tracking technology and determined that the BMW 550i was parked in an alley. Police eventually went to the area and found the car running with the thief inside sleeping. BMW was again contacted who managed to lock the car remotely.

After that, police officers proceeded to wake up the suspect, who immediately tried to drive away with the stolen BMW 550i but was unsuccessful. The suspect was later found to have some methamphetamine with him and thus was charged not only with auto theft but drug possession as well. He is currently being held at the King County Jail.

While the blog did not specifically state how BMW was able to remotely lock the doors, the brand actually offers such services to its customers, be it for the BMW 550i or otherwise. There is even a how-to manual for how this technology can work for the owner.

What made this possible is the fact that the BMW 550i is equipped with the company's very own ConnectedDrive. This technology allowed BMW owners to control their car remotely. By 2015, the company increased security for this feature after it was revealed that the system did not have any encryption allowing commands to be sent through a wireless network to the system.

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