iOS 10 Jailbreak News, Updates: Pangu iOS 10 Jailbreak Release Not Happening? Here Are Some Alternatives But Hackers Advice Not To Update iOS To 10.2

By Maria Follet - 06 Dec '16 07:41AM

Apple users now expect the full version of iOS 10.2 Beta 4 to be activated this week after the tech giant announced its public beta during the weekend. Unfortunately, fans of the Pangu Jailbreak Tools will have to wait.

Since the release of iOS 10, jailbreak lovers have anticipated the release of Pangu Jailbreaking Tool but until now, Pangu developers still has not released their tool. The last time they were heard was last July 2016 but since then, they were no longer very active publicly. Jailbreak lovers expected that Pangu will release their tool immediately after Apple releases their iOS 10 but to no avail.

Even when Pangu Jailbreak Tools are most of the time the most trusted ones in the market, there are several reports which claim that there are good alternatives available for iOS 10. Two of the best alternatives mentioned are Mojo by Cydia and TweakBox.

Although this might be a good thing to most jailbreak lovers since they can already get easy access to paid apps, Apple advises users not to do it to avoid the risk of being hacked. In our fast-paced and technology saturated world today, it is easier for big and small hackers to pry into accounts and personal information.

Apple also warns that once the device has already been jailbroken, the device might not work anymore and the warranty for the unit will be void. But if jailbreak lovers are really into it, they can download the jailbreaking tool they desire but not update their Apple device with an iOS 10.2 beta software.

Hackers say the latest version makes any jailbreaking tool impossible to seep into any Apple device. Jailbreaking tools developers say that it is better to stick with iOS 10.1.1 than updating the device to iOS 10.2 if they really want to be excluded in paying for paid Apple Store apps.

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