Rising Tornado In The United States: A Global Outbreak. Is This Caused By Global Warming?

By Michael Davis - 03 Dec '16 21:52PM

There are data inconsistencies when the scientist says Tornados are increasing in numbers as the global temperature gets warmer. According to scientists, tornados landing in the United States over the last fifty years is just a normal average.

It is true that climate change plays a major role in the extreme weather events in the world but not to the case of a tornado on a research presented by Columbia University as said on Christian Science Monitor. The lead author Michael Tippett of this study said, "We're just saying that it's not playing the role that we expected."

What causing tornados according to Dr. Trippett are both Propensity of the rising air and shear of vertical winds. The warming moist condition of our atmosphere caused by climate change is causing one of the cause, making the global change phenomenon a small part ingredients creating a tornado.


The latest devastation caused by a tornado is the death of three people in the United States, in particular from Alabama and Tennessee said on Express. There are several dozens of cyclones that swiped other states starting from Louisiana, Mississippi, and most Southern States.

Recently, a tornado warning is flagged on the Southern States including Florida and Western Georgia on a report made by National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center. People are given advise taking precautionary measures to ensure safety.

Tornado desolation in the first half of 2016 recorded a total loss of $8.5 Billion of insured properties and crops, on an article published by Science Daily. There may be no significant trends of tornados affecting the country but it is taking much attention to the world of researchers.

"Tornadoes blow people away, and their houses and cars and a lot else," an opinion made by Joel Cohen. People should update themselves by watching TV, listen to radios, and read articles online for Tornado warning. Prevention is better than late actions.

There are no exact data on why a tornado is getting high numbers as days go by. Scientist and weather analyst are getting into the bottom of this phenomena.


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