‘Kong: Skull Island’ Will Take Viewers To Great Action And Adventure. Set Viewing On March 10, 2017

By Lester Mondragon - 17 Nov '16 17:53PM

The second installment of "King Kong" will take its audience on a ride of action packed and fantastic adventure. "Kong: Skull Island" has new characters, animated monsters and additional cast that makes the film very interesting.

"Kong: Skull Island" takes the viewers for a ride to an uncharted, mysterious island in search of a brother of Captain James Conrad (Tom Hiddleston), who was stranded there. Captain James Conrad's brother was looking for a fictional medicine that could be the answer to cure all kinds of diseases.

Yet, another additional character of Kong: Skull Island is Bill Randa as played by John Goodman. His act is about a government official who leads the expedition to the island. Little did they know that the island is where the great Kong is residing, as reported in an article from cinemablend.

The expedition surprisingly met Kong in the same destructive manner, when they started mapping charts of the island by dropping bombs that they call scientific equipment. This sort of entrance to the island infuriated Kong.

In "Kong: Skull Island", are very strange monster creatures that come as a surprise. Huge gigantic animals are also shown in the movie.

Two famous names were supposed to join the cast. They are Michael Keaton and JK Simmons. But due to conflicting schedules, pulled out from the movie. But despite of their pullout, "Kong: Skull Island" still managed to lift off with a boom.

"Kong: Skull Island" promises that it will still hold the previous Kong films with respect to its creators and the film itself. The latest setting of Kong will have a story and time line of its own.

It was mentioned in an article in IMDb that the Kong series of movies would later reunite with the series of movies associated with Godzilla. The reunion of the two giants is expected on the year 2020 and is widely anticipated by international viewers.

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