'Simpsons' Year 2000 Episode Shows Regrets to Having Done A Show Predicting The Trump Presidency

By Lester Mondragon - 16 Nov '16 16:22PM

Producers of a Simpson's episode on the year 2000 really felt bad on how the shows plot came to become reality. The show came into light as one of the factors that was to blame for a Trump victory. Anti-Trump dissenters are looking for someone or something to blame and they found one on that episode that predicted Trump's winning the presidency of the United States of America.

That was the episode 16 years ago entitled, "Bart to the Future". They maintained that the episode was meant to warn the people of America of a presidency in the person of Donald Trump. A pitch that showed insanity and chaos which America was going through during those years.

The writers of "The Simpsons" were not so happy of the Trump Presidency that they decided to rewrite that episode in an attempt to redeem what was accurately predicted on that show, as what the article says in TIME.

After the accurate prediction of Trump and his presidency, eight more predictions were mentioned in an article in The Sun:

1. The death of "Harambe" the Gorilla. A Cincinnati Zoo incident happened under the same circumstances, only that Bart was unharmed and the Gorilla died. This was a scene in a 2006 episode.

2. The "Ebola Virus". It was a 1997 episode and the Ebola outbreak occurred in the year 2014 in West Africa.

3. The "Horse Meat Scandal". Also from a 1997 episode bearing the event that horse meat was being served to UK school children in 2013 appearing on front pages of the Sun issues.

4. 9 / 11. This prediction appeared in a 1997 episode too. Shown as Liza was holding a newspaper with the 9 and the twin towers at the background, depicting the 9/11 incident.

5. The Prince's Death. In an episode in 2008. Prince was found dead last April. Prince was murdered suspecting foul play when he aired his complaints against chemicals being sprayed by government.

6. Greece Financial Turmoil. In an episode last 2013. Greece economy collapsedin 2014.

7. Syrian Revolution. Found in an episode in 2001. The country is under revolt.

8. FIFA Corruption. 2014 episode, FIFA officials under hot water.

These events were all foretold by the Simpsons episodes. Could there be more?

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