Protesting Americans Ashamed Of Trump Representing America Or Merely Scared of What He’s Going to do with His Presidential Powers?

By Lester Mondragon - 15 Nov '16 05:17AM

The Voice of America is audible as 10,000 boom boxes trumpeting the decisive winner of the democratic process of the right of suffrage. Donald Trump is announced the victor after the 2016 campaign hostilities. Yet, some people can't accept the rule of law. Overly reacting to reality that they thought their perceived triumph was theirs to cherish and hold, as reported from an article of The Sun.

Did the dissenters forget that America is a democracy? During elections from people of a so called democrat captured victory is a quote from a text message in American Greatness, "Regardless of the outcome, we are a clearly broken and divided nation. So much work ahead to mend, heal and restore the U in USA". A very humble gesture of self-righteousness, as if "victory is ours" sort of stand. But when Donald Trump rung the bell of liberty, her text quote twisted into something like this, "We are now under Republican Rule. Text Fascism. Fuck you White America. Fuck you, misogynist, racist, piece of shit, G'night".

Donald Trump knows better than to ride the waves of dissent from the exposed dissenters themselves. It was his vehicle to grab the moment and make it work for him. Now that the sacred right of suffrage had decided for Trump, the whiners and Clinton assumed victory supporters take the streets in defiance of the electoral outcome. Blaming everybody and everything is their game now, tweaked by those hiring "dissenter trouble for pay mob".

A dissenting group known as Pussy Riot is encouraging supposed to be dissenters to stand with them against Donald Trump. Probably scared now that Donald Trump will make true to his promise of paying the legal fees of those engaging against those who mar his campaign sorties; promised to sue Hillary for tons of legal charges, and open libel laws so Donald Trump can file charges against investigative journalists out to smear his character, as reported in artnet news.

As per the dissenting Americans, documented and recognized, there is reason to be scared. Ashamed? They should not be. It's the mandate of a democratic process that Donald Trump is now their president. U stands for United in USA, U also stands for YOU as part of the United States of America.

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