FBI Made Their Concluding Verdict for Hillary Clinton on the Email Laxity

By Michael Davis - 07 Nov '16 11:07AM

The lawmakers were informed by FBI Director James Comey that Democrat Presidential bet Hillary Clinton will not face any criminal charges with the email laxity issue in her term as Department of State Secretary.

Comey said that the recent review that FBI agents are doing has been consistent and precise. A senior officer also told CNN that they made the necessary process of gathering data relating to the issue to see if there was any crime committed.

Fmr. FBI agent on Clinton email case: This is a bomb drop by Comey

Most emails found were commonly personal in nature and most of which are duplicated. It is factual that there was classified information found in the inbox, but it does not prove that there was extreme carelessness with this information. What the FBI is pointing is the lack of merit due to the proving intent that it can be used against National Security.

FBIs' timely response on the allegation was questioned by top Democrat lawmakers as to why this is held with an immediate release while the campaign trail is on and that Election is about to be concluded.

Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein said on New York Times that "Today's letter makes Director Comey's actions nine days ago even more troubling," She further said that it is creating a false impression toward their inquiry.

Donald Trump unsympathetically reacted about the recent actions of FBI and stated that it is impossible to go through 650,000email content in just eight days. His expression was unyielding stating that Hillary Clinton is Guilty and it is up for the American people to judge on November 8.

The Guardian meanwhile published the interview of Mrs. Clinton saying that she is very glad that the turmoil she is going through is over. She is now focused on the forthcoming election as America is near to choose who will be the next to reside in the White House.

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