‘Arrow’ Season 5 Episode 2 Recap, Episode 3 Preview, Spoilers & Air Date: Fans Finally Meet “The Recruits”; Evelyn Sharp Has Some Shoes To Fill In

By Maria Alamban - 14 Oct '16 19:15PM

The portals of "Arrow" Season 5 opened stronger than the previous season, even when it's still on its second episode. The episode was titled "The Recruits" and critics say it was way better than the season premiere.

According to Forbes' review of "Arrow" Season 5 Episode 2, the episode lived up to its title. There were three new recruits seen throughout the episode. These are members of Oliver Queen's (Stephen Amell) team, namely, Wild Dog (Rick Gonzales) who's described as a know-it-all, Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) an old face but a new member of Team Arrow, and Evelyn Sharp (Madison McLaughlin).

All three are going to take part in three different stories. Showrunner Marc Guggenheim shared his insight about The Recruits in "Arrow" Season 5 Episode 2 to Mashable. He said that a lot of the scenes will be all about how he will train these noobs into becoming best members of Team Arrow. He said that although nothing much has been revealed yet about Sharp's character, she sure has some shoes to fill to replace Artemis in a whole new level.

A new "bad guy" was also caught on sight under the guise of Ragman in "Arrow" Season 5 Episode 2. The review says that this guy hides his good trait so he can take a revenge.

The series celebrated its 4th year anniversary on television last October 10, five days after "Arrow" Season 5 premiered. It is produced and written by creators Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, and Greg Berlanti. It is based on a comic character named as Green Arrow released under DC.

The comic version was created by illustrators George Papp and Mort Weisinger. It has maintained 3.68 million viewers and has received several awards since season 1. "Arrow" Season 5 Episode 3 airs on October 19, Wednesday, on The CW.

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