Free Rocket League Update: Rumble Mode

By Staff Reporter - 09 Sep '16 13:12PM

Rocket league delivers: Rumble Mode is here! The esports game is a fast-paced vehicle cage match. And if that doesn't sound crazy enough, these power-ups just add another good layer of chaos into the mix.

For those of you not in the know, Rocket league can be summed up as a hybrid of soccer and demolition derby.

Let your imagination run wild with that.

Players control customizable cars with the goal of ramming a relatively larger ball into the goal on the opposing team's side of the arena. To make things more exciting, the cars themselves can careen into each other to try and temporarily take opponents out. Worry not, though, they're respawned after a certain time. Boosts add another dimension to the game, speeding up cars and even allowing aerial spins and maneuvers.

With all that, the Rumble Mode adds even more layers of chaos and strategy. All eleven power-ups open up new avenues for tactics in winning the game.

Power-ups against opponents are as follows: The Boot kicks an opponent's car, Disruptor forces the enemy to move uncontrollably, Swapper allows you to change positions with opposing cars.

There are also power-ups against the ball: Freezer stop the ball in place, Haymaker punches the balls, Plunger snaps the ball to the player's current position, Spike attaches the ball to the car upon impact, Grappling Hook pulls the car towards the ball and Magnetizer attracts the ball towards the car.

More general or positioning power-ups close off the list: Power Hitter simply makes the cars hit everything harder, while the Tornado sweeps up cars and ball alike into a funnel cloud.

Feel free to watch the trailer for hints of what's new.

Like with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Rocket League is also out with a new Crates and Keys system. This allows players to have the chance of receiving crates after competitive matches. These crates will contain more aesthetic customization options, such as decals, wheels and even battle cars.

And for the latter part of the name, the keys that can open said crates are then bought with real-world currency. In an effort to encourage mass buying, single keys cost $1.49, while bundles save up with bundles of 5, 10 and 20 available.These bundles are at $5, $10 and $20, respectively.

Other additional changes will be present in the update. Players now have an option to trade the crates and keys mentioned above, 7 days after their purchase. It's useful to note that only PC Steam and PS4 users have the option to trade keys. There is also improved team customization, such options for car colors, team names, and even team colors. Chat is now also available for players, as well as new arenas.

More information about all discussed above is available on their main website.

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