'Invisible' Disease Diabetes Should Be Handled With A Sense Of Urgency

By Dipannita - 14 Jun '16 14:28PM

Despite all the health efforts and a boom in health educations, diabetes remains one of the largely ignored health epidemic of all times. In fact, this disease is often misunderstood because of which it still remains uncontrolled and continues to claim more lives around the world.

During a presentation at the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, Dr. Desmond Schatz explained that currently one diabetic patient dies every 6 seconds because of the consequences associated with the disease. It is estimated that by the year 2040, one in every 10 individuals will have diabetes.

The burden of the disease and it's consequences is not the only cause of worry. According to Schatz, the cost associated with the treatment and other health care expenses linked to diabetes and its consequences is expected to surpass 7 trillion dollars in the next 20 years.

Schatz believes that the advocacy for diabetes must be turned up to the boiling point of water to create an immediate sense of urgency. The urgency is needed to turn the disease into highly-visible crisis that "threatens the very fabric and resources of our society."

Schatz further said that diabetes is one of the diseases that remains largely ignored in front of other epidemics such as the Zika, HIV/AIDS or Ebola outbreak. Patients must demand for a sense of urgency now if this epidemic is to be controlled, he says.

The general public, in addition to the health authorities, continues to remain in darkness about diabetes, despite the fact that it is raging through the US and several countries around the world. The general public usually perceives cancer and heart disease as a more serious condition, but they don't know about the complications that diabetes can result in.

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