#Justice4All Protest Draws Thousands to D.C.

By Dustin M Braden - 13 Dec '14 10:38AM

Thousands gathered in Washington D.C. to participate in a protest called #Justice4All.

The event was organized by the National Action Network, a national civil rights group led by the Reverend Al Sharpton.

The protest is intended to send a message about the way the justice system handles incidents of police violence in the wake of non-indictments for Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo.

Both men were not indicted by grand juries despite serious questions about the legitimacy of their choices to utilize lethal force. Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, while Daniel Pantaleo choked Eric Garner to death on Staten Island with a maneuver outlawed by the New York Police Department.

Video of the Garner incident showed Garner repeating numerous times that he could not breathe. Despite this, and the fact there were at least five officers on the scene to help control Garner, Pantaleo did not release his chokehold around Garner's neck until he was dead.

Some protesters wore shirts combining the "hands up, don't shoot" mantra of the Ferguson protests and Eric Garner's last words, "I can't breathe," which have echoed through cities around the nation as people stopped traffic to vent their disappointment that Pantaleo wasn't indicted.

#Justice4All March. Crowds gathering already...these t-shirts are selling well. #ICantBreathe pic.twitter.com/SRBHjrYgTe

Appropriately, the protest began at Freedom Plaza, in view of the US Capitol.

Another common sentiment and chant among those protesting these legal decisions is "Black Lives Matter."

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