'Fallout 4' News and Rumors: Game Fan May Have Uncovered Crucial Terminal Secret

By Jenn Loro - 01 Apr '16 11:50AM

Probably one of the most popular post-apocalyptic open world games to date, Fallout 4 is the ultimate game for uncovering secrets. Bethesda Softworks may have busied itself in laying every single intricate detail to challenge every player in keeping these secrets, but one game fan finally broke the spell and uncover the secrets that everybody else is trying to uncover.

Although, he had discovered a very crucial secret at the end of the game, Todd Howard still told game fans some weeks ago that there are still a few remaining secrets left undiscovered.

Aside from Howard, a Fallout community member famous for exploring all of the game's underwater segments also did that impossible task of figuring out terminals that other users (who spent hours, days, weeks or even years of working on the game) have not discovered.

As reported by Tech Times, the well-known gamer did the monumental challenge of exploring a total of 1,364 different terminals scattered throughout the virtual world of Fallout 4.

"It's not that difficult to do, it just gets extremely tedious. Going from building to building making sure you've explored that building- exploring outside and around that building. I used a grid map...filled in square after square to keep track of where I had been. I also wrote down the name of every building I went into," said Lavonicus as quoted by Kotaku.

Meanwhile, Fallout 4 is set to release the second of the three planned DLC's between March and May this year. The second DLC, the Wasteland Workshop, is rumored to take place at the Combat Zone in the Commonwealth although this news is yet to be confirmed.

 "With the Wasteland Workshop, design and set cages to capture live creatures - from raiders to Deathclaws! Tame them or have them face off in battle, even against your fellow settlers," Bethesda's description of the upcoming DLC goes as quoted by Crossmap.

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