'The Big Bang Theory' recap: 'The Solder Excursion Diversion'

By R. Siva Kumar - 01 Apr '16 14:40PM

(Season 9, Ep. 19, Aired Mar 31, 2016)

Physicist Sheldon Cooper's laptop cops out. So he covers it with a blanket, plays "Taps" on his phone, and goes into mourning over the demise of his security blanket. His kind girlfriend buys him a new laptop from his savvy computer guy who is updated.

Sheldon is super-excited about the resolution on his new laptop, and is ready to not only gaze into Amy's eyes but also count her nose hairs! He refuses to trade his old computer for a store credit, because he has a secret, which he promises to share with her, provided she does not disclose it to anyone.

Sheldon takes Amy on a trip to a storage unit, where this organised hoarder has stored everything that he ever owned in labelled boxes: Books, clothes, VHS tapes, electronics, a bin of pine cones, and old tooth brushes on the walls and tables. There is some sporting equipment, or just a golf ball once thrown at him by his brother. Still, it's there.

Amy is not put off but feels proud that he chose to reveal things to her, and has shared his teddy bear with snot stains too. Sheldon is comforted and agrees that he would get rid of the golf ball though he will continue to have a dent in his head. The ball is rolled back into his store-room when she looks the other way.

Penny and Bernadette come to check on Howard and Leonard in the lab and are roped in to join their tedious project. Howard and Leonard run away to get some free screenings for a new movie. The ticketer hints that the movie stars Will Smith, so Howard understands that the screening is probably for Suicide Squad. The errand moves on to their setting out for a road trip with a flat tire. Howard sends some lies to the lab.

The girls have invited Raj to help them with their project, even as the guys fix their imaginary flat tire. But Howard texts Raj in order to rile him that he was missing a movie.

The furious three make a plan to bust Howard and Leonard after they return, but the guys blurt it out, apologize with flowers and promise a lovely dinner. "That was anticlimactic," as Raj quips.

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