Donald Trump Says ‘Islam Hates Us’, Plans to ‘Expand Laws’

By Staff Reporter - 11 Mar '16 09:16AM

Donald Trump stated that "Islam hates us" with an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper Wednesday night.

"I think Islam hates us," Trump told Cooper. "There's something there that - there's a tremendous hatred there. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There's an unbelievable hatred of us."

Trump goes on to say the importance of blocking Muslims from entering the U.S., bringing up the situation in San Bernardino, California

"These two young people that got married, she supposedly radicalized him," Trump said. "The bottom line is they killed 14 people that gave them baby showers. I mean they were friends of theirs, so they walked in then they killed them. There's an unbelievable hatred. You look at Paris, 138 people killed, many, many people going to die in the hospital, mortally wounded, horribly wounded, um, horribly wounded. And they walk into a room and boom, boom, boom. There's, there's a sickness going on that's unbelievable."

When asked about his previous remarks on waterboarding, he stated that he knows the "the United States is bound by laws" and "would not order our military or other officials to violate those laws."

But he went on to mention that he believes the U.S. should "expand laws," not specifically sharing what he means by that.

"We have to play the game at a much tougher level than we're playing it now. We have to expand those laws," Trump stated.

He continued, "We have to play with a tougher set of rules. We have - we have laws - we don't allow waterboarding. Think of this. ISIS is - these are smart people. These are people that know the Internet better than we do, and we're the ones that - that, you know, came up with it. ISIS is sitting around. They just chopped off 20 heads of Christians and others. They just drowned 40 people. And they're sitting around watching us arguing about waterboarding."

According to Yahoo, Ibrahim Hooper from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the country's largest Muslim advocacy group, stated how Trump's comments endanger Muslim families.

"These remarks are completely outrageous," Hooper told Yahoo News. "They endanger the lives of ordinary American Muslims. Every day, we're receiving reports of assaults and threats against Muslim American citizens due to the unprecedented rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric."

According to the Pew Research Center, there were an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide and that Islam is the world's fastest growing religion.

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