UK cult leader Gets 23-Years Sentence For Abusing And Raping 'Slave' Daughter

By Jenn Loro - 31 Jan '16 15:09PM

A 75-year-old cult leader who ran a radical Maoist-inspired sect known as the Worker's Institute in the UK was handed down a 23-year jail term following his conviction for a number of cases including sexual assaults, rape, and unlawful detention of his daughter for more than three decades.

Aravindan Balakrishnan, revered by his followers are Comrade Bala, was deemed guilty by the Southwark Crown Court in London following a jury trial last year which brought into public light the thirty-year captivity of his 33-year-old daughter Katy Morgan-Davies.

Treated as 'non-person' throughout her life, Bala's daughter chose to forge a new identity using her new name. Born into a commune run by Bala, she was never permitted to go anywhere beyond the extremely reclusive community.

"I felt like a caged bird with clipped wings. The people he looked up to where people like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein - you couldn't criticize them either in the house. They were his gods and his heroes. These were the sort of people he wanted to emulate," she said as quoted in a report by the Times of India.

Upon sentencing the Maoist cult leader, Judge Deborah Taylor commented that the unspeakable acts committed by him on his own daughter "was a catalog of mental and physical abuse" which apparently unmoved the impassive Balakrishnan.

"These are grave and serious crimes conducted over a long period of time and you have shown no remorse whatsoever," remarked the judge as mentioned by The Washington Post.

Katy Morgan-Davies along with a few followers managed to escape her unfortunate lot after getting rescued by a charity group and police in 2013.

After her fateful escape, she received treatment for diabetes and chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Reuters reported.

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