ISIS: 15 Policemen Die at Iraq-Syria Checkpost; Another 8 Killed near Baghdad

By Staff Reporter - 01 Dec '14 11:32AM

Islamic State militants killed at least 15 Iraqi policemen at a  checkpost in the  al-Walid town of Iraq on the  Iraq- Syria border, on Monday.

A government official in Iraq's Anbar provincial council confirmed the report but there were no other details available at the moment, reports the Associated Press.

Another eight people died Monday in the Shiite town of Balad, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Baghdad, after  shells hit some homes and a small market. Police officials said at least 20 people were wounded, reports the Associated Press.

The UN Assistance Mission in Iraq released casualty figures for November on Monday. According to UNAMI, a total of 1,232 Iraqis were killed and another 2,434 were wounded in acts of terrorism and violence in November 2014.

The reports says: The number of civilians killed was 936 (including 61 civilian police), while the number of civilians injured was 1,826 (including 71 civilian police).  A further 296 members of the Iraqi Security Forces were killed (including Peshmerga, SWAT and militias fighting alongside Iraqi Army / not including casualties from Anbar Operations) and 608 were injured.

"With nearly 12,000 people killed and nearly 22,000 injured since the beginning of 2014, Iraqis continue to be daily subjected to the unspeakable horrors of killing, maiming, reign of terror, displacement, extreme forms of intolerance and poverty", Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Nickolay Mladenov  said. 

The Sunni militant group has overrun large parts of Syria and Iraq and controls Anbar and Ninevah provinces in Iraq.

In a related news Islamic State militants of British origin are posting on the social media that they have the capability to make the "dirty bomb"  and create chaos in a Western city hinting at London. They claim they have the 40 kg of uranium stolen from a university research facility in Mosul.

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