Protesters add new element to Black Friday chaos

By Dustin M Braden - 28 Nov '14 13:34PM

As shoppers across the country stampeded and fought each other  for heavily discounted goods, people also turned out at stores in acts of organized protest.

Protesters concerned with policing and racism in America, as well as a number of Walmart employees upset with low wages, unaccomodating pregnancy policies, and the fact that most stores are open on Thanksgiving itself, demonstrated at retail outlets across the country.

Protesters concerned about race relations and police brutality organized under the banners of #BlackOutBlackFriday and #BlackFridayBlackOut.

Protesters were seen outside Macy's and elsewhere in Manhattan.

They could also be found in Chicago.

The issues of systemic racism and economic rights merged in many protests. Such as this one in Washington D.C.

People also protested Walmart in the California's Bay Area.

Support for the protests manifested itself on social media where people changed their profile pictures to an image of total darkness.

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