Love And Sleep: Couple's Posture In Bed May Indicate When Marriage Heads For Divorce

By Peter R - 28 Sep '15 15:48PM

How far is too far in the bed? According to experts that analyzed sleeping postures of couples, 30 inches or more could mean the relationship is troubled.

According to Daily Mail, partners may adopt varying sleep positions in bed depending on the love quotient in a relationship. When new in a relationship, couples are more likely to snuggle, suggestive of post-coitus romance. Interestingly, in secure and mature relationships, couples may sleep apart and may even face away.

Sleep analysts believe that the real state of a relationship may come to fore during sleep as the subconscious mind takes over and expresses what is not shared when awake.

"Even if you can't or don't articulate those things while you're awake," body language expert Patti Wood said.

Nearly a fifth of couples surveyed in UK, said they adopted the spooning posture, a sign of healthy relationship even if a couple sleeps apart in this posture. Not spooning could indicate troubled relationship or troubles with sex.

If couples sleep tangled in a hug or one partner rests their head on the other, the couple could be in the initial days of a blossoming relationship.

Sleep apart and facing opposite directions was seen as a sign of a matured and secure relationship. However sleeping far apart, or partners sleeping with heads at opposite ends of the bed indicates trouble. One partner hogging up space, leaving little for the other, was considered a pre-divorce position.

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