Lower Threat of a Heart Attack for Women who Drink Beer in Moderation

By Kanika Gupta - 24 Sep '15 15:15PM

Good news for all the women who enjoy their weekly drinks with their girlfriends! A Swedish study recently published their results that women who drink beer in moderation, perhaps once or twice in a week run 30% less risk of a heart attack. This study has been conducted on 1500 women over a span of 50 years, reports Eureka Alert.

The 1500 women, subjects of the research were asked detailed questions about their beer and other alcoholic consumption. They were also asked to specify their symptoms. The follow-up of 32 years revealed that 185 women out of 1500 had a heart attack, 162 underwent a stroke, 160 were affected by diabetes and 345 women reported cancer, as per Bel Marra Health.

The University of Gothenburg collected the data from this study and attempted to establish a relationship between intake of various alcoholic beverages with regards to cases of heart attacks, diabetes, cancer and strokes. According to Eureka Alert, there have been many studies in the past suggesting moderate consumption of alcohol to be actually healthy. However, it may not be the same with all the alcoholic beverages. The study has been conducted specifically with regards to beer consumption only.

Even though the risk of heart attack is considerably reduced, it also shows a considerable link between cancer and high consumption of alcohol defined as drinking more than once or twice every month. Drinking at this frequency increases the risk of cancer by 50% as compared to those who drink less frequently. To find more definitive relationship between specific spirits and their health consequences can only be confirmed with the help of follow-up studies in their respective area, say researchers at Salhgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

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