Syrian Refugees And Various Experts Blame U.S. For European Crisis

By R. Siva Kumar - 13 Sep '15 17:18PM

There is one thing that unites the refugees as well as the experts in many countries, regarding the European crisis---blame the US.

Rzgar Abdul, a migrant who was once a translator, points out that the ISIS mushroomed in the Middle East only after the U.S. left, according to the Washington Post.

"Iraq's problem is America's problem," he said, noting that his status as an American translator during the Iraq war made him a target. "This crisis is America's problem. In Iraq, Syria, all over, the U.S. did not do enough."

German politicians---both from the right and the left---agreed that the source of the refugee problem is solely the US.

The US policy was called out by Sahra Wagenknecht and Dietmar Bartsch, deputy chairpersons of the Left Party in the German Parliament, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.

"Killer gangs, such as the Islamic State, were indirectly supported and without hindrance supplied with money and weapons from countries including those allied with Germany," the two stated, which was referring to attempts in the beginning to support the rebels who fought the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Other experts felt that the US was inactive and did not support the rebels and remove Assad, blaming the Obama administration's inertia, reported U.S. News and World Report.

However, countering these opinions, the U.S. says that all these charges are inaccurate and overblown. They cited the CIA's $1.4 billion effort to fund the attempts to remove Assad in the beginning. Moreover, no one could have predicted that the war in Syria would have reached such proportions.

"It's too easy to blame the U.S. for these waves of refugees and asylum seekers," said Stephan Mayer, spokesman for the Christian Social Union, a part of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's governing coalition. "This isn't caused by the U.S," he said, according to hngn.

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