Lack of Sleep Makes People More Likely To Get A Cold

By Bisma Kaleem Imam - 01 Sep '15 13:12PM

Are you an insomniac and unable to get the suggested eight hours of sleep daily? Then, you need to fix your routine, as meddling around with your sleep cycle and acquiring less hours of sleep can actually put your life on the wrong track!

Routine anxiety and everyday work can actually establish hurdles in the way of our sleeping patterns. Despite of knowing and understanding the truth, we tend to ignore our body's necessity to amend and get eight hours of serene sleep as we are surrounded by countless responsibilities the entire day! But according to a recent research, not getting proper slumber can actually put your life at risk.

The research was carried out in the presence of 164 adults who were examined during their stay in a hotel for a week. They were then inserted with a drop of a cold virus to evaluate the theory. The result validated the statement as those individuals who slept for less than five hours were four times more likely to get entangled by cold.

Without any doubt, other dimensions and aspects were well-thought-of during the entire research process, however, according to the main academics, sleep was designated and characterized as the main element, which effected the cold process for the monitored individuals.

So cut some slack and try to get as much sleep hours as possible. Put all your worries apart and look forward for a healthy, undisturbed night as eradicating the sleep factor can actually impede your thinking process, cognitive functions and physical health. Some of the effects are quite apparent, as lack of sleep makes you muzzy and quite frustrated for the day. Apart from that, no afternoon nap or sleep can, in fact, compensate for the loss of night sleep.

The researchers highlighted the importance of sleep and are considering it as one of the main elements behind cold and other infections. No day activity should be conducted at the expense of sleep as its significance cannot be ignored.

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